Looking to stay up to date about all of the news stories and local headlines that are important to Long Islanders? We've rounded up the top coverage for all of the important topics from multiple sources around Long Island, so you can be sure you've got the most recent update on the top stories for Long Island. Have an idea for a news story? Email us at news@longisland.com
By careers March 18, 2002
Recruiters can be divided into the following two distinct categories: Contingency Employment Agency * Fee is paid only when placement is made. Must make two sales in order to get paid: individual client ...
By online-marketing March 18, 2002
By Suzi Batta Spam is a term that serves a dual purpose. It refers to canned luncheon meat. In Internet terms, spam means unwanted email. Bulk unsolicited commercial email is annoying and time consuming, but ...
By coachingforcareers March 18, 2002
Are you satisfied where you are in your career right now? Or, do you think back to the jobs you turned down, or the paths you should have taken? The past is called the past ...
By wineries March 18, 2002
Peconic, New York By Christopher J. Davies Raphael is the newest and grandest attraction in Long Island's wine country. After three years of construction, the long awaited grand opening of Raphael became a reality last ...
By wildbirds March 16, 2002
Spring is here. This year, the winter that wasn't, has felt like spring every two weeks since Thanksgiving! As far as the birds are concerned, Spring is not an event of weather, but of seasonal ...
By museums March 15, 2002
Playing, learning, experimenting and other action verbs aptly describe experiences to be had at the Long island Children's Museum. Located in a beautifully designed and restructured WWII Airplane Hangar, the museum building itself is an ...
By Library March 15, 2002
Some valuable websites for tax information. This time of year libraries are overrun with harried taxpayers, desperately looking for tax forms and publications. (On April 15th they're looking for the postal address needed to mail ...
By soul-mates March 15, 2002
Finding Your Soul Mate - How to create the Perfect Relationship Imagine finding someone who you seemed to know forever. Strange how much you think alike, though not always agreeing. This person knows your weaknesses ...
By wedding-ceremonies March 14, 2002
By Rev. Janine H. Burns, D.D. Most couples assume the stress they experience prior to their wedding can be attributed to the simple fact of living in a stressful world, wherein the only solution involves ...
By wedding-rings March 13, 2002
Warning! Do not leave this till last. The days of the simple engagement setting are over. And even when a bride has a Tiffany setting, she is still looking for a wedding ring that will ...
By pharmacist March 12, 2002
Treatment with antibiotics may reduce the risk of heart attack and chest pain in some patients with heart disease, according to the results of a new study. In a study of 148 patients who experienced ...
By fatherfrank March 12, 2002
It is hard to believe that it has been six months since that fate filled day that changed America forever. In the weeks and months that followed there has been a real renewal of the ...
By beekeeping March 11, 2002
That is a question I often get. It may not be in that form. Generally it comes up in the conversation that I am a beekeeper because of someplace I've been with beekeeping, because of ...
By parenting March 11, 2002
My kids have always wanted a dog, but my wife and I have resisted so far. In the meantime, we have relented on a whole menagerie of small animals including hermit crabs, gerbils, parakeets, goldfish ...
By diamonds March 11, 2002
There is a lot of good information on diamond quality on the Internet. De Beer's site, www.adiamondisforever.com is excellent. On their home page click on The 4 C's. Today I want to address an issue ...
By babystuff March 10, 2002
Babies are amazing creatures. They turn your life upside down right from the moment you get home from the hospital. You just start getting some semblance of a routine (ha!) and then you find out ...
By fatherfrank March 07, 2002
Time. No one seems to have any. We are rushing all day long from one activity to another. How much of our day is spent in mindless chaos on a fast track to nowhere?
By singles March 07, 2002
Thank God I'm Single (and that life doesn't always imitate art) by Lauralyn Avallone "You're the stupidest human being I've ever met," the frizzy hair girl screams. Alone with the camera she tells the audience, ...
By technologyineducation March 06, 2002
Should wireless technology be embraced in educational institutions? In my opinion, it is not even a choice. Wireless technologies have improved dramtically over the past few years. In addition, the cost of wireless equipment has ...
By lighthouses March 05, 2002
BY ROBERT G. MULLER On March 23, Suffolk County and the Long Island Chapter of the US Lighthouse Society will announce a joint effort to preserve the endangered Cedar Island lighthouse. The public is invited ...