Looking to stay up to date about all of the news stories and local headlines that are important to Long Islanders? We've rounded up the top coverage for all of the important topics from multiple sources around Long Island, so you can be sure you've got the most recent update on the top stories for Long Island. Have an idea for a news story? Email us at news@longisland.com
By islanders July 27, 2000
by Islander Expert, Michael Seitz
When Mike Milbury and Sanjay Kumar stepped up to the podium in Calgary on June 23rd and proudly made history by drafting 18-year-old Rick DiPietro first ...
By children July 26, 2000
Take small chunks of time...add your undivided attention...and mix with pleasurable events. These days, when parents work, and leading busy, distracted lives, parents and children do not have those quiet in-between times when closeness and ...
By heatsealing July 26, 2000
K.C. Technical Services is a Long Island company that has changed the way companies package their products. They make automation affordable to the small and midsize company SAVE UP TO 60% FROM PRE-MADE BAGS ON ...
By lisingles July 26, 2000
Ok, so I received a new 'statement' if you would from a man who seemed very eager to share his feelings. Here it is: "I think girls get what they deserve in life. They go ...
By babystuff July 25, 2000
Think that now that you have a child you can't work out anymore? Fat chance! Last January I was feeling rather like a slug and couldn't find the motivation to work out. I read an ...
By teens July 25, 2000
Look too your left. Now stop drooling on the keyboard (hahaha, ok, ok, that was cheesy... but he is rather cute, admit it). Anyway, if don't already know who that is, it's Rick DiPietro, the ...
By weightloss July 22, 2000
Hello everyone, I know couch riding is the preferred exercise of the day. But lets face facts, if you sit on your but and do nothing you begin to get the muscle tone of a ...
By animalpsychology July 22, 2000
Your dog is digging out of your fenced yard, or he's suddenly fearful of your neighbor or has growled and attempted to bite someone out of "nowhere". Are these things unusual? Does this make you ...
By karaoke July 21, 2000
I have been receiving a lot of mail from Karaoke Fans lately and it's been Wonderful!!! Like I said a few weeks back, Karaoke folks are a happy group and I'm glad ...
By realestateappraisal July 21, 2000
Are You Paying Big Bucks Every Single Month For Something You May Not Want Or Even Need? Every month, if you are like most of us, you dutifully make your mortgage payment. Have you ever ...
By tennis July 21, 2000
Greetings, Many of you know me as the publisher of Island Tennis & Golf (http://www.islandtennisandgolf.com). The furious growth of the Internet encouraged us to get more Internet savy. While I don't consider myself an expert ...
By motorcycles July 21, 2000
Everyone is always looking for that new place to ride! Well you dont have to look to hard! Long Island has more to offer for Riders then most places in the USA... Did you know ...
By motorcycles July 21, 2000
Looking for some INFO on your bike or just a little help doing something? Well we got the Guy for you!!! Send him a E-mail and he will answer any qurestion at TECH@BikerHut.Com
By lingerie July 20, 2000
Dear Long Island.com readers, Hi, my name is Carol Dee and I am your personal Lingerie Expert. Before we begin, I must let you know that somehow whenever the topic of "lingerie" comes up, I've ...
By islanders July 19, 2000
by Guest Islander Expert, Michael Seitz
1993 Playoffs: First Round (Game 4), Islanders vs. Capitals - April 24, 1993 I was a senior at Fairfield University in ...
By lisingles July 18, 2000
Ok, I know that I've vented about how men approach women, and vice versa in the past - But now to vent about something completely different. WHERE ARE THE SINGLE PEOPLE?!?!? Its the summertime. I've ...
By collegelife July 18, 2000
So doesn't it feel like school just ended? It is the middle of the summer already. Just a tad more then a month before its "Back to School" time. ...
By babystuff July 18, 2000
When I first had my son, none of my friends had kids. I didn't know where the playgrounds were or which ones were good for toddlers versus older kids. Well, times have changed and we've ...
By selfemployment July 17, 2000
"ON YOUR OWN"- COLUMN 3- What Do You Say To Prospects? Without a doubt, one of the most important lessons I have learned in building my business has been discovering how to write ad copy ...